
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Race for Water

Race for Water




Welcome to the Facebook page of the Race for Water Foundation!

The RACE FOR WATER Foundation is a charity dedicated to the preservation of water. Today, this vital resource is under massive threat from plastic pollution and must be protected. The Foundation aims to identify, promote and implement solutions that will give end-of-life plastic a value and to create new sources of income for the people most affected by this pollution. Using an innovative approach inspired by the principles of a circular economy and social entrepreneurship, Race for Water Foundation seeks to give an economic value to plastic waste and prevent the plastic pollution of our waterways.

The Foundation's actions lay on 3 pillars: RESEARCH to gain a better understanding of the issue, actions to raise AWARENESS and change behaviours and the implementation of concrete SOLUTIONS to stop the flow of plastic pollution that goes into the water.

Adresse: Avenue de Provence 4, 1007 Lausanne
Telefonnummer: +41 21 620 02 30
Stadt: Lausanne
Route: Avenue de Provence 4
Postleitzahl: 1007

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