Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für International Testing Agency
The ITA is an international organization offering comprehensive anti-doping services, independent from sporting or political powers to International Federations, Major Event Organisers, and all other anti-doping organisations requesting support.
"The ITA is a not-for-profit foundation, based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Its mission is to offer comprehensive anti-doping services, independent from sporting or political powers to International Federations IFs, Major Event Organisers MEOs, and all other anti-doping organisations requesting support. Planning tests in and out of competition, evaluating risks, athlete whereabouts, managing Therapeutic Use Exemptions TUEs and results management are all part of the way the ITA can reinforce the fight against doping by bringing together expertise and helping IFs and MEOs fulfil their duties under the World Anti-Doping Code"
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