The International Skating Union (ISU) is the international winter sport federation, recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), administering ice skating sports throughout the world.
The ISU Development Program was established in 1996 as an essential tool for the promotion and development of the ISU sports. It is the ISU’s global initiative to improve the skating activities of ISU Members in a sustainable way. The ISU provides frameworks, funding and facilitation to ensure that Figure Skating and Speed Skating are meaningful for current and future generations worldwide. The Program has the following specific objectives:
- To increase the numbers and improve the quality of Skaters, Coaches, and Officials engaged in competitive international Figure Skating and Speed Skating.
- To increase the number of ISU Members able to develop Skaters who are competitive at the international level, both at the highest level and at the level of qualifying for ISU Events and ISU disciplines at the Olympic Winter Games.
ISU Communication 2052 provides the updated development policy and guidelines for applications. Applications for Projects must be send to: ISU Development Commission ( and ISU Secretariat (
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