
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Hedingen (Zuerich)


Hedingen is a municipality in the district of Affoltern in the canton of Zürich in Switzerland.HistoryHedingen is first mentioned in 1116 as Hedingen.GeographyHedingen has an area of 6.6km2. Of this area, 48% is used for agricultural purposes, while 32.6% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 18.6% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (0.8%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains).The municipality includes the village of Hedingen, the hamlets of Fromoos and Ismatt and scattered houses.DemographicsHedingen has a population of., 13.5% of the population was made up of foreign nationals. Over the last 10 years the population has grown at a rate of 18.2%. Most of the population speaks German (88.7%), with Italian being second most common ( 3.0%) and Serbo-Croatian being third ( 2.0%).In the 2007 election the most popular party was the SVP which received 34% of the vote. The next three most popular parties were the SPS (19.4%), the FDP (13.8%) and the CSP (11.8%).The age distribution of the population is children and teenagers (0–19 years old) make up 28.1% of the population, while adults (20–64 years old) make up 60.9% and seniors (over 64 years old) make up 11%. In Hedingen about 83% of the population (between age 25-64) have completed either non-mandatory upper secondary education or additional higher education (either university or a Fachhochschule).

Adresse: Zurich
Stadt: Zürich

ähnliche suchanfragen: Hedingen Wohnung mieten, Hedingen Steuerfuss, Gemeinde Hedingen, Hedingen Restaurant, Bauamt Hedingen, Gemeinde Hedingen öffnungszeiten, Gemeinde Hedingen telefonnummer, Hedingen Bahnhof
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Bewertungen, Anfahrtsplan und Kontaktdaten für Hedingen (Zuerich).

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