
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Collection de l'Art Brut

Adresse: Avenue Bergières 11, 1004 Lausanne, Schweiz
Telefonnummer: 021 315 25 70
Zustand: Vaud
Bezirk: Lausanne
Stadt: Lausanne
Route: Avenue Bergières
Hausnummer: 11
Postleitzahl: 1004


Montag: Geschlossen
Dienstag: 11:00–18:00 Uhr
Mittwoch: 11:00–18:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 11:00–18:00 Uhr
Freitag: 11:00–18:00 Uhr
Samstag: 11:00–18:00 Uhr
Sonntag: 11:00–18:00 Uhr

ähnliche suchanfragen: collection de l'art brut öffnungszeiten, was ist art brut
Musée Collection de Art Brut ist ein Besuch Wert. Künstler Daniel Röösli Luzern.
5 vor 9 jahren (19-02-2016)
I loved my visit to this fascinating museum. Although relatively small, the museum is presented and maintained in a polished, professional way. I visited on a weekday morning, and it was not busy at all. The atmosphere was calm, relaxed and respectfully quiet, but not austere. Although there is trauma and tragedy in the stories of a lot of the artists and artwork, there is plenty of fun and colour to be found, too. I experienced moments that were variously disturbing, sobering, uplifting and inspiring. The most pervasive sense left by the collection as a whole is of passion, self-expression and individuality. The museum provides interesting biographical information about the artists in both French and English. The collection spans a good range of mediums and dates of creation. Refreshingly, women artists are well represented. It takes around two hours to casually view the collection. There is another couple of hours worth of documentary video footage available for viewing. For a museum of this quality, the tickets are good value.
5 vor 7 jahren (08-02-2018)
A very interesting exhibition of the works of the people who never planned to be an artists. The stories... tragic, crazy, magical... Plus professional preparation of the exhibition.
5 vor 6 jahren (23-05-2018)
Crazy museum! Unique art and concepts, and some touchy biographies of the artists. Appreciate it a lot every time I visit it! Parents with kids might wish to consider taking a closer look on the description beforehand. .
5 vor 7 jahren (13-04-2018)
Un musée à ne rater sous aucun prétexte. De l'art, de la création dans sa forme la plus simple et naturelle, qui prouve que l'être humain a besoins de créer.
5 vor 7 jahren (01-05-2018)
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