Zehnder Group offers innovative, sustainable and smart solutions for a comfortable, healthy and energy-efficient indoor climate.
Welcome to the Zehnder Facebook page!
We are looking forward to your stories, ideas and comments regarding our solutions for a perfect indoor climate, ranging from designer radiators through compact energy stations, to comfortable indoor ventilation, heating and cooling ceiling systems and air cleaning systems. We kindly ask you to observe in any case our following netiquette:
Please always respect the other Facebook users and treat them in a friendly manner. Please make sure that all your stories and statements which you post on our Page are appropriate. We reject any discriminating, violence glorifying, racist or pornographic content. We reserve the right to remove from our Facebook Page all stories, photos and videos that are inappropriate according to these guidelines. Also, we will report to Facebook those users who repeatedly post such content. Commercial content that is not related to Zehnder has no business on our Facebook Page.
Feel free to let us know your questions regarding our products. We want to respond as proficiently and comprehensively as possible, so please understand that our answers may sometimes take a little longer. You can contact us as well by e-mail: social.media@zehndergroup.com
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