
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für World Bridge Federation

World Bridge Federation


Welcome to the official World Bridge Federation FaceBook page - we hope you will find the information useful and entertaining


This page will carry official announcements and information from the World Bridge Federation.

Unsere Aufgabe

The purpose of the World Bridge Federation shall be:
to promote, foster, promulgate and develop the sport of Bridge throughout the world;
to be in the Olympic Movement, remaining affiliated with International Olympic Committee (IOC) as a recognized International Federation (IF) in conformity with the requirements of the Olympic Charter;
to contribute to the achievement of the goals set out in the Olympic Charter, in particular by way of spreading Olympism and Olympic education;
to federate National Bridge Associations in all countries;
to devise methods and conduct competitions to award international or world championship titles;
to establish standard laws for its contests adopting the International Code and supplementing them as may be required, but not inconsistent with them;
to support and encourage the promotion of sports ethics;
to dedicate its efforts to ensuring that in bridge contests the spirit of fair play prevails;
to fight against doping in sport and to take measures, the goal of which is to prevent endangering the health of bridge players.

Adresse: Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne
Telefonnummer: +41789468166
Stadt: Lausanne
Route: Avenue de Rhodanie 54
Postleitzahl: 1007

ähnliche suchanfragen: european bridge league, bridge europameisterschaft 2018, orlando bridge world championships, eurobridge
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