
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Trepup.com



Trepup solves a pain point for users by providing a direct way to reach their followers and target audience.


Initially developed as a business-to-business networking platform to create more equitable opportunities for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Trepup evolved in the latter part of 2016 into a market network in response to the needs of its growing database of users that exceeds 1 million.

In 2016, when Trepup took the decision to build the components that would make it a market network for its users, it considered the problem of collaboration and customer loyalty. The company realized that lasting business relationships were needed to enable sustained business growth. To address this need, it started building workflow software that encourages focused and relevant communication among businesses and between businesses and their customers. The three main components of Trepup are business pages, workflow software and a transaction enabler that is under development.

The first main component is Trepup business pages. These pages with their focus on design, interface and comprehensive data, replace independent websites and make businesses part of a growing global network that is organized for business growth.

The second component is Trepmail. As Trepup’s first fully built workflow software, Trepmail empowers the user to focus on creating relevant communication that is useful in building and maintaining long-lasting business relationships. In just four simple steps, the user can build email campaigns and newsletters to present their announcements, updates and special offers in an engaging design.

The third component of the market network is a transaction enabler that is under development at Trepup. At present, the user can host special offers on products, by sharing product information and photos and videos within the product post-type silo on the business and user page, thereby generating buyer interest.

Adresse: Dorfstrasse 16, 6341 Baar (Zoug)
Telefonnummer: +41445639820
Stadt: Baar
Route: Dorfstrasse 16
Postleitzahl: 6341

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