
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Think future - now

Think future - now


We help board members, CEOs and top business leaders to make true transformation happen:
get more meaningful insights for key business problems or hot topics
challenge paradigms and ensure to understand what and who needs to be considered for specific pr


Why we are the stand out conference of the year

we guarantee food for thought for your business activities with a mix of science, aviation/travel industry and retail industry

you - the participants - determine the agenda - we crowdsource the topics to be covered to ensure that we meet your business needs

high quality presentations and interactive discussions, with pitch free content

boutique style environment to create a personal environment for exchange and inspiration

location Hamburg as a key aviation city

the first conference rewarding your loyalty

we think green - we think before we print, and we chose a conference location which is one of the world’s leading environmental and socially aware corporations

A number of “first” in class

an international advisory board incl. CEOs and top managers from international airports, airlines, car rental, retail, and press organisations

participants can influence the topics and focus of the conference

opportunity to solve your business photo issue and to take your personal photograph at the conference with our professional photographer

we think green: environmental awareness is part of our DNA, we try to avoid unnecessary printing, and we chose a conference location which is one of the world’s leading environmental and socially aware corporations

loyalty is now rewarded - with our special benefits and discounts for returning participants

there are a number of organisations supporting the conference - with Hamburg Airport remaining the key driver, yet other sponsors following suit

Why Hamburg?
- Hamburg is a key aviation location in Europe and globally

- Hamburg offers top quality locations for reasonable prices

- Hamburg is cool - for shopping and exploring

Let us know what you think about Hamburg. Like us on Facebook and join the conversation.

Adresse: Comercialstr. 34, 7000 Coire
Stadt: Chur
Route: Comercialstr. 34
Postleitzahl: 7000

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