
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für TEDx Institut Le Rosey

TEDx Institut Le Rosey


Official Page for the 2017 TEDx Institut Le Rosey. HORIZON!! The future happens today! Join us on the 4th of November 2017 for a range of discussions and reflections that you will not forget!


The future reserves many surprises. What destiny lies ahead ? How will mankind tackle the challenges of civilisation ? On a more personal scale, how does one achieve his goals ? Pursue his dreams ? Break the patterns of life and innovate ? We live in a world of constant change, where technology has overtaken our daily lives and does not cease to spread it's influence on every one of us. Our footprint on planet Earth has significantly increased, and the race to save our oceans and ice continents has begun. This year's topic is themed around "Horizon".

Organized by our very own Rosey students, TEDx Institute Le Rosey will be a day filled with inspiration and innovative ideas with talks from speakers such as Walter Harris, Eden Chen, and others. In addition of brilliant guests, three of our students will participate in this year's conference, addressing subjects from a variety of topics based on our main theme. We invite you to follow the webpage attached to this page in order to reserve your places whenever you can!

This year's event will be hosted on Saturday the 4th November.

Adresse: Institut Le Rosey, 1180 Rolle
Stadt: Rolle
Route: Institut Le Rosey
Postleitzahl: 1180

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