
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Sustainability Management School SA

Sustainability Management School SA
Adresse: Rue Mauverney 28, 1196 Gland, Schweiz
Telefonnummer: 022 999 03 70
Zustand: Vaud
Bezirk: Nyon
Stadt: Gland
Route: Rue Mauverney
Hausnummer: 28
Postleitzahl: 1196


Montag: 08:30–17:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 08:30–17:00 Uhr
Mittwoch: 08:30–17:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 08:30–17:00 Uhr
Freitag: 08:30–17:00 Uhr
Samstag: Geschlossen
Sonntag: Geschlossen

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I honestly understand the value of studying Sustainability Management from a specialized business school like SUMAS. Upon completing my MBA at SUMAS in 2015, I gained the opportunity to work in two different countries as Sustainability Consultant and Researcher. At SUMAS, Sustainability Management program is also geared towards helping students to develop skills as Social Entrepreneurs and Innovators. Such skills have helped me to establish an impact driven business that brings solution to a social problem involving professional mothers in Nigeria. I would like to thank the Management for giving us an innovative, responsible, and trending skill much needed in today's world!
vor 7 jahren (14-05-2018)
La Business School è situata nel cuore di Gland e consta degli uffici amministrativi situati nel palazzo dell'IUCN ed un intero piano nell'edificio difronte, dove sono presenti le aule e gli alloggi per gli studenti. Per quanto riguarda le aule, il colpo d'occhio è notevole; all'ingresso, in quanto si è accolti da una living room estramamente confortevole con divani, un angolo cucina per preparare bevande di ogni sorta e tutt'interno aule di varie dimensioni estramamente luminose, tra cui spiccano ben due aule multimediali dotati di Samsung Interactive Board, webcam HD, speaker Sonos e HP Elite miniPC che garantiscono una dotazione eccellente per usare la tecnologia a supporto dell'insegnamento. Il 'campus' è anch'esso dotato di una living room molto ampia e accogliante, circondato da finestre con schermature per il sole a discesa automatiche, garantiscono anche qui una perfetta illuminazione per le proprie attività. La living room è dotata anche di una zona cucina, ben attrezzata. Le stanze sono di differente tipologie, ci sono quelle con bagno interno e con bagno condiviso, ben arredate, con bagno in perfette condizioni ed illuminate. Tutti gli arredi sono di recente acquisto e tenuti in ottimo stato. Complessivamente sono a livello di un hotel a tre/quattro stelle. La connessione in tutto l'edificio è di tipo WiFi a 100 mbit/s. Nei paraggi, locali per mangiare, piste ciclabili, parcheggi gratuiti e tanto, ma tantissimo, verde.
vor 7 jahren (06-09-2017)
Recently I visited the campus . I was impressed of the new facilities!!!! It has been a pleasure to work for SUMAS on its first two years and see how it has grown during this 2017. SUMAS is an example to follow on perseverance and purpose. It is committed to be one of the best Business Schools in Switzerland . Thanks to the well recognised accreditation of AACSB ,the new facilities and well rounded professors, I am positive the graduates will be well prepared for the demanding market of nowadays.
vor 7 jahren (05-12-2017)
As this is my third term, I feel I'm allowed to give a review already. I enjoyed my time on SUMAS so far, yet I still give 4 stars only. This is because I had some struggles with the school in the beginning of my study. But those got solved professionally by the management of the school. This influenced my opinion about the school at that time, but now I'm happy to be a part of this society. I made a lot friends, basically coming from all over the world. Courses are great, increased my knowledge based on a wide field of Finance (I did my MBA in Finance). I learnt how to manage my career and how to responsible invest as a sustainable manager. So based on this last fact I would love to give 5 stars, but also because of some past personal experience I tend to give 4 stars. Because I still like to be honest, as my opinion might influence the reason for you to join this school.
vor 8 jahren (09-05-2017)
I studied the MBA in Finance and Responsible Investment in this school. And I want to raise the awareness, that this university is not accredited,only the programs.The school does not provide enough facilities, neither any student internships and the academic personnel is of low quality. Sometimes professors were not aware of their teaching duties and had no background in subject they were teaching. It is a very small business school which is poorly organized, has a low academic performance, no student life and basically no collaborations with other universities or the industry. There is a clear lack of exchange programs, internships and connections with MNCs (because they simply did not recognize this school, as it is new and not accredited). Had a negative experience while studying there, even though the Switzerland is a nice country, which I enjoyed
vor 8 jahren (07-05-2017)
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