
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Stallikon


Stallikon is a municipality in the district of Affoltern in the canton of Zürich in Switzerland.HistoryStallikon is first mentioned in 1124 as Stallinchoven.The site of Baldern Castle lies within the municipal boundaries, on the Albis ridge. Only earthworks remain, but early chronicles suggest that the castle was built by Ludwig the German, the first king of East Francia, in 853AD, and the castle is known to have been owned by the Counts of Lenzburg in the 12th century. There have been no significant archeological investigations of the site, and the date and reason it was abandoned is unknown.GeographyStallikon has an area of 12km2. Of this area, 39.5% is used for agricultural purposes, while 51.3% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 8.8% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (0.4%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains).The municipality stretches along the Albis hills and includes the Uetliberg. Near the hills it includes the hamlets of Mädikon, Baldern and Buchenegg. The middle of the Reppisch valley is also part of the municipality and includes the village of Stallikon, the hamlets of Tägerst, Gamlikon and Sellenbüren and scattered individual houses.

Adresse: Stallikon
Stadt: Stallikon

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