
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Spreitenbach


Spreitenbach is a municipality in the district of Baden in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland, located in the Limmat Valley (German: Limmattal).It lies southeast of the district center, directly on the border with the canton of Zurich. It is one of the smallest cities in Switzerland. In Switzerland, a city needs 10,000 or more to be considered as a city. The goalkeeper Diego Benaglio, of the National Football Team of Switzerland, spent his youth there.GeographyThe town lies between Baden and Zurich on the south side of the Limmat, located in the Limmat Valley (German: Limmattal). The settled area stretches along a plain between the Heitersberg and the waterfront. The old town center, through which the Spreitenbach stream flows, lies to the south and has preserved its original character well. North of that is the modern city, with wide apartment buildings, industrial areas, and shopping centers. To the far north, across the highway and railway, in a bend in the Limmat, is the expanded industrial zone Neuhard. The eastern part of the plain is dominated by the classification yard Zurich-Limmattal.The Franzosenweiher ("French pond") lies in the forested area south of Spreitenbach, near the municipal border with Dietikon. The "Altes Bad" biotope is made up of a pool and a wetland with a great diversity of plants. The municipality has set aside this area and the neighboring forest as a protected natural zone. The name comes from the fact that Napoleon's troops camped at the pond, before crossing the Limmat at Kloster Fahr.

Adresse: Spreitenbach
Stadt: Spreitenbach

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