Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für SportWorks Coworking
SportWorks, your workspace at MSI, Maison du Sport International.
The space for networking between sport federations, organizations and sport industry.
"SportWorks is the new coworking space at Maison du Sport International in the heart of the Olympic Capital, Lausanne.We are a unique office space providing companies and professionals with the opportunity to establish themselves in the heart of sport, sharing the home of the world’s International Sport Federations.Our workspace is ideal for our members to develop their network and interaction between sport federations, organisations and the sports industry in the Olympic Capital, Lausanne."
"SportWorks is the new coworking space at Maison du Sport International in the heart of the Olympic Capital, Lausanne.We are a unique office space providing companies and professionals with the opportunity to establish themselves in the heart of sport, sharing the home of the world’s International Sport Federations.Our workspace is ideal for our members to develop their network and interaction between sport federations, organisations and the sports industry in the Olympic Capital, Lausanne."
Adresse: Maison du Sport International - Avenue de Rhodanie 54, Building D - 3rd floor, 1007 Lausanne
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