
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Sikkim Earthquake Relief


This is a petition for your support to help the affected people of the recent heavy earthquake in the Sikkim Himalayas.



On Sunday, 18th September, there was a severe earthquake in the Himalayas with the epicentre in North Sikkim, India, officially leaving more than 100 people dead, several hundreds injured and thousands homeless. Numbers are increasing day-by-day and are very unreliable, also due to the remoteness of the area. The most affected regions are around the towns Chungtang and Mangan, and the reserve area of the indigenous Lepcha people called Dzongu.
Especially in Dzongu, it has taken rescue teams days to reach the affected remote areas due to initial heavy rains and completely destroyed roads, so until today the full extent of the impact is not known. In Bey village in Dzongu many houses are feared to be buried under a landslide and the death toll is still unknown, today a flash flood hit Lachung in North Sikkim causing further damage and difficulties for approach and help.

We founded NGO „Sikkim Earthquake Relief“ in Switzerland to legally collect donations in Europe and the West. The aim is to collect funds for emergency relief where it is needed, but also for long-term reconstruction. We will fully forward all donations directly to Sikkim NGOs, such as ECOSS (Ecotourism & Conservation Society of Sikkim), the „September18ReliefFund“ and others in Sikkim who are assessing the situation in the affected areas, organising emergency relief and forming collaborations to plan immediate action and long-term reconstruction projects.

Stadt: Birsfelden

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