
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für San Bernardo

San Bernardo
Adresse: 6513 Monte Carasso, Schweiz
Telefonnummer: 091 745 19 49
Zustand: Tessin
Bezirk: Bezirk Bellinzona
Stadt: Monte Carasso
Postleitzahl: 6513

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Eindrückliche Geschichte und wunderschöne Wandmalerei. Auch eine Sonnenterasse zum verweilen.
vor 8 jahren (17-09-2017)
Interesting little church with a great view of the valley. The person who works there tries hard to help you understand the history of the church and what makes it special, for free. I found her lovely. Thank you!
vor 8 jahren (23-04-2018)
Chiesa con affreschi molto belli. La guida ci ha spiegato molto bene l'origine della chiesa e il significato degli affreschi senza annoiarci. Panorama molto bello. Merota di essere visotata perché unica nel suo genere.
vor 8 jahren (05-04-2018)
Bellissima chiesa con affreschi molto ben conservati. La chiesa molto antica si trova vicino al ponte tibetano.
vor 7 jahren (20-05-2018)
The construction of the church has been dated back to the XI and XII centuries, although there are no written documents that testify this. The church went through at least two relevant structural interventions in the course of the centuries. The first, of the XV century, doubled the footprint surface of the building, and added the portico and the belltower. The second, achieved during following century, added the chapel, transformed the apse, and added construction of the sacristy. As far as the frescoes are concerned, the most ancient appear to be the "Madonna del Latte" and the "San Cristoforo" dating back to the mid-14th century. (Ticino.ch)
vor 8 jahren (18-04-2018)
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