Our aim is to represent the interests of the scientific staff including doctoral students, post-docs, senior scientists and titular professors.
Only founded this spring, SAM already counts more
than 80 members, from various research groups at the Department of Materials. The SAM board consists of its president Christian Mathis, vice president Max Kory, treasurer Florian Thöle and event organization committee Ella Dehghani, Martina Cihova, Vivian Müller, Moh Divandari, Yvonne Gombert.
Next to representing the scientific staff in the Department Conference, we regularly organize events for our members and friends to get to know each other and to promote inter-departmental knowledge spillover and cooperation. After a rooftop inauguration apero with
self-made ice cream, we have organized a BBQ in the bamboo garden and a fun poker tournament. Next to more social events for the coming year we are planning a symposium to provide a platform for doctoral students to present their work to students as well as to industry representatives.
If you want to join SAM, sign up for AVETH! Half of
your monthly contribution to AVETH goes to SAM and via us back to you, in the form of social and networking events. If you are interested to become a member of the SAM board, just email sam@mat.ethz.ch
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