
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Saanen


Saanen is a municipality in the canton of Berne in Switzerland. It is the capital of the Obersimmental-Saanen administrative district.HistorySaanen is first mentioned in 1228 as Gissinay. In 1340 it was mentioned as Sanon.During the Bronze Age there was a hill fort on the Cholis Grind near the modern village of Saanen. The region was occupied by the Gallo-Romans until the 10th or 11th century when the Alamanni began to drive them out. This migration created the modern language borders in Switzerland. During the Middle Ages several forts were built to guard the mule trails into the Valais and Vaud. These included the Kramburg (which was first mentioned in 1331 but is now covered by later construction), the Swabia Ried tower (11th-12th century) and the tower Schönried (remains are visible as part of house number 349). During the Middle Ages it was part of the vogtei of Vanel in the county of Gruyère. In 1244, the counts became the vassals of Savoy. The counts' financial problems forced them to sell parts of the vogtei and some of the rights to the residents of Saanen in the 14th century. The village then became the center of the Saanen district and parish.

Adresse: Saanen
Stadt: Saanen

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