
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Nanosurf AG

Nanosurf AG


Leading manufacturer of innovative atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopes.


Nanosurf was founded as Nanosurf AG on June 4, 1997, in Liestal, Switzerland, by Dominik Braendlin, Lukas Howald and Robert Sum. The company started as a spin-off of the University of Basel, one of the most renowned SPM centers of competence in the world. Its activities concentrate mostly on research, development, assembly, and marketing of its products, while the production of most series parts (instrument mechanics & electronics) is subcontracted to companies in the greater Basel area. Before establishing Nanosurf AG, all of the founders worked at the University of Basel in the research group of Prof. H.-J. Guentherodt, one of the opinion leaders in scanning probe microscopy. Since then, Nanosurf has developed from that small 3-man team to a multi-skilled team of professionals in Switzerland, Germany, the US, and China. The product range has grown to match this development. New products are continuously being assessed and developed in close collaboration with distinguished universities and polytechnics. This collaboration not only ensures that Nanosurf has access to the latest developments in nanotechnology, but also that Nanosurf is in fact actively involved in their creation.

"Nanosurf, founded in 1997, is a Swiss-based manufacturer of scanning probe microscopes. Our products are developed and produced by a dedicated team of experienced engineers and physicists at our headquarters in Liestal, and sold worldwide through our subsidiaries and a large distribution network. Our product range includes the most compact AFM and STM instruments on the market, state‑of‑the‑art research atomic force microscope systems, and customized and comprehensive next‑level nanotechnology solutions. Our customers in research, industry, and teaching value the innovative approach, modularity, and ease of use that all of our products offer."
Adresse: Gräubernstrasse 12, 4410 Liestal
Telefonnummer: +41 61 927 47 47
Stadt: Liestal
Route: Gräubernstrasse 12
Postleitzahl: 4410

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