
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Nano


Yoga is not just talking about twisting our limbs. It’s about determining who you are.


Bringing well-being to Switzerland and France through straightforward, easy-to-learn teachniques

phone: 00 41 77 4015 188
email: nanocontacts@gmail.com replaces old address IshaHataYogi@gmail.com

“Yoga is not just talking about twisting our limbs. It’s about determining who you are. It is a technology through which you can change the very fundamentals of one’s existence.” Sadhguru

Certified by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev after sucessfully completing a 21 week intensive teacher training programme with Isha Hata School of Yoga.

Isha Hata School of Yoga was established by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a realised master, yogi and profound mystic of our time, with the aim of reviving classical Hata Yoga in its purity. The Yoga that we teach is the same Yoga that has been maintained for thousands of years, passed down from guru to follower, in its completeness and integrity.

During our training, yoga was not simply a session we attended.
In the ashram, for 21 weeks, we lived and breathed yoga - all day, every day. Sadhguru himself clarified questions on all aspects of yoga, as well as imparting those aspects which cannot easily be put into words. This established yoga as a live process within us, so that the same way you cannot imagine leaving home without brushing your teeth, we cannot imagine skipping our practices for one day.

We teach because we want everyone to be able to experience how yoga can transform your life. Yoga is not about contorting your body to impress your friends. Yoga is a method to experience physical and mental well-being and inner vibrancy.

A range of programmes and modules is available:
* Asanas
* Surya Kriya
* Angamardana
* Upa Yoga
* Aum chanting and Mantras

Well-being modules with a focus on these aspects:
* spine strengthening
* body strengthening
* weight reduction
* cardiac strengthening
* attention and memory
* corporate achievement
* corporate relaxation
* rehabilitation (e.g. post heart attack)
* balancing
* pregnancy
* children’s yoga
* restricted mobility
* jet lag
* cleansing
* spiritual
* devotional

“I want you to know the power, the liberation, of another kind of science, the inner science, the yogic science, through which you can become the master of your destiny.” - Sadhguru

Adresse: chemin du joli-bois 3, 1292 Genève
Telefonnummer: 0041774015188
Stadt: Geneva
Route: chemin du joli-bois 3
Postleitzahl: 1292

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