The Esplanade of Montbenon is an area of the city of Lausanne . It is located in the centre of the city, to the south of Flon.Casino de MontbenonThe Casino de Montbenon was built in 1908. It hosted the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee from 1915 to 1922.The Casino de Montbenon currently hosts the Swiss Film Archive, assembly halls and a restaurant (the Brasserie de Montbenon). The building contains the Cinématographe that serves as a movie theater for the Swiss Film Archive, the multi-use concert hall and movie theater Salle Paderewski as well as the Salle des fêtes, a large multi-use space that can host different kinds of events. Apart from the activities of the Swiss Film Archive, the Casino de Montbenon also hosts punctual events such as the Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival, the jazz festival Jazz Onze+ and the film festival Cinémas d'Afrique amongst others.Palais de justiceThe Palais de justice de Montbenon was built between 1881 and 1886 to host the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland. In the 1920s, the Federal Supreme Court moved to the Parc de Mon Repos and the building currently hosts the Tribunal d'arrondissement de Lausanne.
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