
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für MAURON MUSY



Manufacture Horlogère de la Vallée de la Broye


Inventor of the nO-Ring® waterproofing technology, Mauron Musy finds its inspiration and technological expertise in the heart of the Broye valley, Switzerland. In 2012, after more than twenty years of experience in working with the most prestigious brands, Eric Mauron and Christophe Musy decided to join forces to write their own watchmaking history. Both are lovers of perfection and share the same passion for micro-mechanics and the art of watchmaking.

"Inventor of the nO-Ring® waterproofing technology, Mauron Musy finds its inspiration and technological expertise in the heart of the Broye valley, Switzerland. In 2012, after more than twenty years of experience in working with the most prestigious brands, Eric Mauron and Christophe Musy decided to join forces to write their own watchmaking history. Both are lovers of perfection and share the same passion for micro-mechanics and the art of watchmaking."
Adresse: chemin du carro 2, 1566 Saint-Aubin (Fribourg)
Telefonnummer: 0041 79 484 42 82
Stadt: Saint-Aubin
Route: chemin du carro 2
Postleitzahl: 1566

ähnliche suchanfragen: Milus Uhr, Leroy montres, Milus Modelle, Lum watch, Genève id, Watch ID
Übersetzt von Google Die erste Uhr der Welt mit innovativer No-Ring-Technologie, Automatikwerken des Hauses, sowie einem Design und einer praktisch perfekten Konstruktion, definitiv ein Artikel für wahre Liebhaber der Uhrmacherkunst auf höchstem Niveau Original Il primo orologio al mondo con tecnologia innovativa no ring, movimenti automatici di manifattura della casa,oltre ad un design e una costruzione praticamente perfetta, decisamente un articolo per veri amanti dell' orologeria di alto livello
Übersetzt von Google Ein Team von Enthusiasten und Qualitätsuhren. Original Une équipe de passionnés et des montres de qualité.
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