Turn images to maps easily. MapTiler is a tool for converting raster maps into a format suitable for web applications, mobile devices and 3D visualisation.
We would like to introduce you the new version of MapTiler with a graphical user interface which provides more comfortable way of using the software, while the advanced users can still utilise the command line for complete automation and batch processing.
The MapTiler Pro is enhancing and replacing the older MapTiler Cluster product.
MapTiler and MapTiler Pro converts raster maps into a format suitable for web applications, mobile devices and 3D visualisation. It provides the easiest way how to prepare raster geodata for mashups, apps and for Google Earth. It produces either a folder with tiles and simple HTML viewer or the MBTiles data format.
Raster maps and images are transformed into tiles compatible with Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Microsoft Bing, MapQuest or MapBox and can be used as overlay or standalone background maps. The maps can be also visualised in 3D form by Google Earth.
Developers can easily render raster geodata into map tiles suitable for Google Maps API mashups and native mobile applications (iPhone/iPad/Android) made with Apple MapKit, RouteMe or OSMDroid.
MapTiler Pro 0.4.1 has following added features:
Graphical user interface for Windows and Mac OS X for rendering of multiple files (GeoTiff, MrSID, ECW,...) into a seamless map layer
Support for direct output into MBTiles format
Leaflet viewer automatically generated for all maps, next to Google Maps API V3
Improved progress bar status for rendering
Drag and Drop files and improved dialog for spatial reference systems
User friendly installer under Windows and fixes of various bugs
A new cheaper license option - with availability for one month
Contact info@klokantech.com to get a free demo and more info.
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