
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA

Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA


LHC harnesses the power and knowledge of EHL and transfers up-to-date solutions for the hospitality industry.


About us
Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA (LHC) is the Consulting and Executive Education division of the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne.

It was established in 1976 in response to a growing demand from the industry to have access to EHL's unique know-how and expertise. Since then, LHC has adapted to the fast-changing environment and its reach has grown throughout mandates in over 36 countries worldwide.

Our focus
We live in a rapidly and ever changing world [and this is not just stating the obvious]. The impact of technology on business is increasing dramatically. New and old markets cohabit and business cycles grow shorter by the day. In a world where effectiveness and efficiency are paramount, where creativity and innovation are key drivers, sustaining strategic and tactical advantage be it processes, systems, technology or perhaps, most importantly, the value of the human factor has never been this crucial.

The industry
The hospitality world is no stranger to change. Technology apart, we are among the first affected by events of any nature, from political and social upheavals to environmental issues. In addition, competitiveness and competition have become omnipresent parameters, the latter emanating even from traditionally non-hospitality sectors. Who could have predicted that computers would allow consumers to bypass travel agents and hotel reservation systems?

Our Activities
LHC covers all aspects of the hospitality business, and in only that business its focus is its forte. LHC has the expertise of vocation-driven specialists whose deep understanding of the business requirements become its partners forte too. The company is supported by the senior academic staff of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, the worlds premier business school for hospitality management. And, backed by a 5000-member alumni network in 107 countries, LHC can thus provide consultancy services that give you solutions for success both sustained and sustainable. In your field of activity, you are a decision-maker, knowing what always being at the top is about. So do we, in our own field.

Adresse: Route de Cojonnex 18, 1000 Chalet À Gobet, Vaud, Switzerland
Telefonnummer: +41 21 785 1392
Stadt: Chalet à Gobet
Route: Route de Cojonnex 18
Postleitzahl: 1000

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