
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für LakeSide Development LSD

LakeSide Development LSD


LakeSideDevelopment ag (LSD) is an investment enterprise known for developments of high-end housing. From urban planning to project development, customer support, project design, financing and execution monitoring..

"All our developments interact with the natural and urban features routed at the given sight. Maintaining the natural value of the site and improving the quality of living always in balance between the given and the desired new.The houses designed by LakeSideDevelopment are reflections of their owners; tailored to meet the needs, preferences and the way of living. In direct exchange with nature they complete their surroundings as unique objects, related one to another by a distinctive handwriting. The spaces and their materialization are unobtrusive, minimal and pleasantly cosy."
Adresse: Seestrasse 3, CH-6354 Vitznau
Telefonnummer: +41417120012
Stadt: Vitznau
Route: Seestrasse 3
Postleitzahl: CH-6354


Montag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dienstag: 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch: 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag: 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag: 09:00 - 17:00

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