The Inter-Community School Zürich is a private, independent, international, co-educational day school and offers a comprehensive educational programme in English for children from ages of 3 to 18. The school is international in character and welcomes students of all nationalities. Since 1971, the Inter-Community school has been located in Zumikon near Zurich, Switzerland.ICS's Kindergarten and primary education programs are approved by the bureau for elementary school, administration for education, canton of Zurich.Also ICS's lower secondary education program is approved as Sekundarstufe by the bureau for elementary school, administration for education, canton of Zurich.However ICS's upper secondary education programs is neither approved as a Mittelschule by the bureau for gymnasial and vocational education, administration of education, canton of Zurich, and nor approved by the Swiss Federal State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI.History1960-1969The Inter-Community School Zurich was founded on March 18, 1960 at a meeting at the Hotel Carlton Elite between the American, Australian, British and Canadian communities of Zurich. The school enrolled 84 students aged 4–13 during its first semester at the Hotel Rigiblick. There were 5 staff members employed at the time as well as the founder Gerald Atkinson and his wife.In May 1961, ICS signed a lease with the city of Zurich for the rental of a lakeside villa (which in the 1930s had been renovated for use by Prince Paul of Yugoslavia) In September of that year, ICS began its second year of operation in the new villa with 160 students enrolled.
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