
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Ingenbohl


Ingenbohl is a municipality in Schwyz District in the canton of Schwyz in Switzerland.HistoryIngenbohl is first mentioned in 1387 as uff Ingenbol.GeographyIngenbohl has an area, of 13.5km2. Of this area, 31% is used for agricultural purposes, while 49.1% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 16.1% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (3.8%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains).Ingenbohl is located along the Lake of Lucerne. It consists of the village of Ingenbohl and the hamlets of Brunnen, Wilen, Schränggigen and Unterschönenbuch as well as scattered farm houses.DemographicsIngenbohl has a population of., 19.4% of the population was made up of foreign nationals. Over the last 10 years the population has grown at a rate of 16.1%. Most of the population speaks German (88.9%), with Serbo-Croatian being second most common ( 3.5%) and Italian being third ( 2.4%).the gender distribution of the population was 45.2% male and 54.8% female. The age distribution, in Ingenbohl is; 1,724 people or 23.0% of the population is between 0 and 19. 2,069 people or 27.7% are 20 to 39, and 2,325 people or 31.1% are 40 to 64. The senior population distribution is 667 people or 8.9% are 65 to 74. There are 470 people or 6.3% who are 70 to 79 and 227 people or 3.03% of the population who are over 80. There is one person in Ingenbohl who is over 100 years old.there are 2,899 households, of which 892 households (or about 30.8%) contain only a single individual. 148 or about 5.1% are large households, with at least five members.

Adresse: Ingenbohl
Stadt: Ingenbohl

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