
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Ilanz (Graubünden)


Ilanz is a former municipality in the district of Surselva in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. The former municipality Ilanz was congruent with the town Ilanz, which is known now as Ilanz/Glion, as of 1 January 2014. On 1 January 1978 the former municipality of Strada merged into the new municipality of Ilanz. On 1 January 2014 the municipality of Ilanz and the surrounding municipalities Castrisch, Ladir, Luven, Pitasch, Riein, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein, Duvin, Pigniu, Rueun and Siat merged into the new municipality of "Ilanz/Glion."HistoryIlanz is first mentioned in 765 as "Iliande." Ilanz became the capital of the newly formed Grey League in 1395. The Grey League was the second of Three Leagues which eventually formed canton Graubünden. Johannes von Ilanz, the Abbott of Disentis, was among the three nobles instrumental in creating this "eternal alliance."

Adresse: Ilanz
Stadt: Ilanz

ähnliche suchanfragen: Glion Ilanz, Ilanz Schweiz, Gemeinde Ilanz, Ilanz Skigebiet, Ilanz Karte, IlanzSehenswürdigkeiten, Ilanz Tourismus, Spital Ilanz
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