
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Hes-so Team - Rexus/Bexus

Hes-so Team - Rexus/Bexus


A group of Students from different Schools in Switzerland (HEIA-FR and HEPIA) looking into the stars with REXUS/BEXUS.


The REXUS/BEXUS programme is realised under a bilateral Agency Agreement between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB). The Swedish share of the payload has been made available to students from other European countries through the collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA).
Experts from DLR, SSC, ZARM and ESA provide technical support to the student teams throughout the project. EuroLaunch, the cooperation between the Esrange Space Center of SSC and the Mobile Rocket Base (MORABA) of DLR, is responsible for the campaign management and operations of the launch vehicles.
ARES experiment is focused on behavior of propellant inside capillarity based devices so called PMD sponges. It studies axial retention of liquid on those devices and compares it with CFD simulations.
The experiment is possible with the support of our sponsors Ruag Space Nyon, Maxon motors and Bobst.

Adresse: 4 rue de la Prairie, 1700 Fribourg (ville suisse)
Stadt: Fribourg
Route: 4 rue de la Prairie
Postleitzahl: 1700

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Fribourg just for fun

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