
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Giornico


Giornico is a municipality in the district of Leventina in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland.HistoryGiornico is first mentioned around 935-94 as de Iudicibus Giornicensis. In 1202 it was mentioned as Iornico, and around 1210-58 it was mentioned as Zurnigo. Formerly, it was known by the German names of Yrnis or Girnis.During the Middle Ages, the large Vicinanza of Giornico comprised 15-20 settlements or villages, which were distributed to several Degagne, the exact border of some are still unclear. This organizational structure remained until the formation of the Canton of Ticino in 1803. During the reign of the Milan Cathedral over the three valleys that followed the Ambrosian Rite in their worship services, Giornico was a regional administrative center. A court day was held in Giornico for the Leventina valley, which was a supplement to the Placita, the main meetings in Bodio.The plague struck Giornico several times including; 1484, 1566 and 1629 (265 victims).In the Battle of Giornico on 28 December 1478 a Swiss force of 600 defeated 10,000 Milanese troops.By 1567, the local parish was independent, but the date of separation from the church in Biasca is not known. The Church of St. Nicholas, was built in the second decade of the 12th Century. With its remarkable capitals, it is the most important romanesque church in the canton. Originally it was part of a 15th Century Benedictine monastery.

Adresse: Giornico
Stadt: Giornico

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