GGI is the leading global alliance of professional and independent accounting, law and consulting firms.
Geneva Group International is a worldwide alliance of well-established and experienced accounting, consulting and law firms that are committed to providing clients with specialist solutions for their international business requirements. To achieve this, businesses need access to professional and approachable experts in each country.
GGI brings together international, independent consulting companies and their talented specialists across all major countries and fields of practice. Through the Geneva Group International alliance, gaining informed solutions to all your worldwide fiscal, legal, and economic questions has become possible. Our global connections make us large enough to target your varied needs but also flexible enough to supply you with a personal consultant.
GGI has 566 member firms with 771 offices (and growing) around the world in 123 countries (figures updated June 2017). Founded in 1995, GGI ranks 1st in the world as the Largest Multi-Disciplinary Association of Professionals; and ranks 6th in the Top 25 Networks & Associations globally by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales.
To learn more about joining Geneva Group International to further strengthen your international relations, please contact us at
Our International Office Locations:
Global Headquarters | Europe Regional Office
Schaffhauserstrasse 550
P.O. Box 286
Zurich, 8052
North America | Regional Office
100 State Street
3rd Flr
Boston, MA 02109
United States
P:+1 857 300 51 00
F:+1 857 300 51 11
Latin America | Regional Office
J.B Alberdi 431
6th Flr
Buenos Aires, Olivos 1636
P:+54 11 5245 55 55
Asia-Pacific | Regional Office
Sathorn Square, 98 North Sathorn Road 37/F
Sathorn Square Building
Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
P:+66 2105 63 44
F:+66 2105 63 01
Middle East, Africa | Regional Office
SIG Building Suite 206
P.O. Box 121681
P:+971 4 294 26 14
F:+971 4 294 26 12
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