Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für ETH Entrepreneur Club
The ETH Entrepreneur Club is a student initiative at ETH Zurich to bring entrepreneurial-minded people together and to foster entrepreneurship among students.
The ETH Entrepreneur Club is a student initiative at ETH Zurich to bring entrepreneurial-minded people together and to foster entrepreneurship among students.
"The Rocket Hub is a co-working space for young startups to get started. Our team wants to build a community where one does not only get access to a great workspace but is also offered many ways to interact with and get to know new people. To build this community we use a combination of workshops and other events in a relaxed atmosphere.The floating desk system we use allows co-workers to often change spots – every day is new, and this is a great opportunity to get to know everyone! In addition to regular office rooms, we make available a conference room, a brainstorming space, as well as other rooms for relaxing, eating and connecting."
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