
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für EPFL+ECAL Lab



Our mission is to foster innovation at a crossroads between innovation and design, by giving new meaning to emerging technologies developed in the labs, and fuelling innovation by widening the scope of designers' work


The EPFL+ECAL Lab is a unit of the EPFL (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) in cooperation with ECAL (University of art and design Lausanne). Its mission is to foster innovation at a crossroads between technology, design and architecture.

The Lab bases its activities along three axes: giving new meaning to technologies developed in the labs, fuelling innovation by widening the scope of designers' work and forming new links between research and applications for society.

On its premises across two floors in the new ECAL building in Renens, the EPFL+ECAL Lab offers training as well as innovation projects and partnerships with industry.

Adresse: 11, Av. du 24-Janvier, 1020 Renens
Stadt: Renens
Route: 11, Av. du 24-Janvier
Postleitzahl: 1020

ähnliche suchanfragen: ECAL Lausanne, EPFL research groups, Essential tech
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