
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Dürrenäsch


Dürrenäsch is a municipality in the district of Kulm in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland.HistoryWhile Dürrenäsch is first mentioned in 924 as Aske inferior, there are traces of earlier, nearby settlements. Several, individual Hallstatt era items were found on the castle hill. Roman era artifacts have been discovered on the Loren and Alamanni graves were found on the Lindhügel.During the High Middle Ages Dürrenäsch was ruled by Lenzburg. In 1173 it came under the power of the Counts of Kyburg. A century later, in 1273, it was inherited by the Habsburgs. Under the Habsburgs it was ruled by their vassals, the Lords of Trostberg, Reinach and Hallwyl. From 1415 until 1798 it was under the control of the city of Bern and was part of the district (Oberamt) of Lenzburg. In 1433 Bern bought the rights to high and low justice, in the village, from the Austrians.Until 1614 the village was part of the Kulm parish and since then it has belonged to the Leutwil parish.

Adresse: Dürrenäsch
Stadt: Dürrenäsch

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