Dr Burgener Switzerland: Le luxe de la personnalisation de votre beauté, de votre bien-être et de votre santé.
Skincare and wellness have been a personal passion of mine since the beginning. As a Doctor in biology, I have spent years working on hightech skin advancements and remedies. I hand select all of our natural ingredients from the source. Therefore, we use the most ethical and environmentally friendly methods of production to formulate those ingredients and bring them to you. Understanding your specific needs is extremely important to us. We are caring for you and your skin in the most personalized way. We are a family skincare business with strong Swiss values and ethics since 1955.
Dr Burgener Switzerland is the leading expert in Swiss Spa and beauty rejuvenation. Our expertise combines the latest technologies in anti-aging with exclusive natural ingredients. A real experience whether your skin needs energy, resurfacing or spot treatment. The exquisite variety, the breakthrough formulas restore and renew your skin.
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