
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für district de Brugg


Brugg District is a district in the Canton of Aargau, Switzerland. The capital of the district is the town of Brugg.GeographyBrugg District has an area, of 149.29km2. Of this area, 42.6% is used for agricultural purposes, while 41.3% is forested. The rest of the land, (14.1%) is settled. It is located around the rivers Aare and Reuss. The northern part of the district, north of the Aare, lies in the Aargau part of the Jura mountains.DemographicsBrugg District has a population of 46,471., there were 1,635 homes with 1 or 2 persons in the household, 8,736 homes with 3 or 4 persons in the household, and 6,792 homes with 5 or more persons in the household. The average number of people per household was 2.41 individuals. there were 7,550 single family homes (or 36.4% of the total) out of a total of 20,725 homes and apartments. There were a total of 194 empty apartments for a 0.9% vacancy rate.Of the school age population, there are 3,374 students attending primary school, there are 1,246 students attending secondary school, there are 780 students attending tertiary or university level schooling in the district.Economythere were 22,875 residents who worked in the district, while 17,446 residents worked outside the Brugg district and 14,574 people commuted into the district for work.ReligionFrom the, 13,426 or 30.4% were Roman Catholic, while 20,463 or 46.4% belonged to the Swiss Reformed Church. Of the rest of the population, there were 72 individuals (or about 0.16% of the population) who belonged to the Christian Catholic faith.

Adresse: Brugg, Suisse
Stadt: Brugg

ähnliche suchanfragen: Altstadt Brugg, Mordnacht von Brugg, Brugg Einwohnerzahl 2020, Bezirk Brugg, brugg, switzerland., Brugg Ausländeranteil, Brugg wappen, Brugg Zürich
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