
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Caviar House & Prunier Shop and Seafood Bar - Crans-Montana


Welcome to Caviar House & Prunier's shop and Seafood Bar.


For 140 years, we have had a passion for the most noble and exclusive products of the sea. Today, we continue to love our trade and serve you with the finest products available. Caviar House & Prunier is about culinary experiences. We believe that food shouldn’t just be consumed; it should be savoured.

Fine food is about the feeling you get from tasting it and we are committed to delivering that feeling, by producing the finest quality and best-tasting caviar and smoked salmon in the world. Caviar House & Prunier began as three separate entities, whose common goal united us.

Folllow us to discover who we are, our products, our “art de vivre” and our values.

On Facebook: www.facebook.com/CaviarHouseandPrunier
On Twitter: www.twitter.com/CaviarHouse
On Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/CaviarHouse
On Instagram: www.instagram.com/caviarhouseprunier
On YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/caviarhouseprunier

Adresse: 46 Rue Centrale, 3963 Crans-Montana
Telefonnummer: +41 27 480 48 00
Stadt: Crans-sur-Sierre
Route: 46 Rue Centrale
Postleitzahl: 3963

ähnliche suchanfragen: Caviar House Prunier restaurant, Prunier Malossol, Caviar Shop, Caviar house prunier kaviar imperial, Balik Kaviar, Hamburger Kaviar manufaktur, Caviar House & Prunier, Frankfurt Airport, Prunier St James
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Bewertungen, Anfahrtsplan und Kontaktdaten für Caviar House & Prunier Shop and Seafood Bar - Crans-Montana.

Crans-sur-sierre fischrestaurant

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