
Bewertungen, Kontaktdaten für Bürglen (Uri)


Bürglen is a municipality in the canton of Uri in Switzerland.HistoryBürglen is first mentioned in 857 as Burgilla. In 1240 it was mentioned as Burgelon.GeographyBürglen has an area, of 53.1km2. Of this area, 51.4% is used for agricultural purposes, while 19.9% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 2.1% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (26.6%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains)., 15.0% of the total land area was heavily forested, while 1.2% is covered in small trees and shrubbery. Of the agricultural land, 0.2% is used for farming or pastures, while 13.2% is used for orchards or vine crops and 38.1% is used for alpine pastures. Of the settled areas, 1.0% is covered with buildings, 0.2% is industrial, and 0.9% is transportation infrastructure. Of the unproductive areas, 0.1% is unproductive standing water (ponds or lakes), 0.8% is unproductive flowing water (rivers), 12.5% is too rocky for vegetation, and 13.2% is other unproductive land.The municipality is located south east of Altdorf at the entrance of the Schächental valley. The village is at the start of the road over the pass Klausenpass, which connects Uri and Glarus. It consists of the village center of Bürglen which is located above the left bank of the Schächen river, and scattered settlements which stretch from the valley floor up the mountains to an elevation of about 1700m.DemographicsBürglen has a population of., 3.6% of the population was made up of foreign nationals. Over the last 10 years the population has grown at a rate of 4%. Most of the population speaks German (96.7%), with Serbo-Croatian being second most common ( 1.0%) and Albanian being third ( 0.5%). the gender distribution of the population was 51.9% male and 48.1% female.

Adresse: 6463 Bürglen (Uri)
Stadt: Bürglen
Postleitzahl: 6463

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