BPA Solutions develops out-of-the-box business applications based on SharePoint technologies.
BPA Solutions develops out-of-the-box business applications based on SharePoint technologies.
Maximize your SharePoint investment and drive user adoption in deploying ready-for-use applications to be used by your employees on the daily business.
"BPA Solutions – Innovative Software for Better Quality. Since 2001, BPA Solutions is a leading global provider of business software solutions based on Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint technologies. BPA develop innovative software - Quality, Medical, CRM – with the highest flexibility, for better quality and simplified regulatory compliance. BPA Solution Builder gives developers a wide range of integrated components to accelerate development and maximize user experience with SharePoint. BPA is proud to be part of the Microsoft Business Applications program as Preferred SharePoint applications. Headquartered in Switzerland, with an office in Seattle USA, BPA is ready to support your digital transformation initiatives"
Adresse: Avenue des Découvertes 18, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
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