Scopo di “ATMA” è promuovere l’aiuto all’auto-sviluppo e l’aiuto umanitario a bambini bisognosi abitanti le zone rurali dello stato del Goiás in Brasile
“ATMA” Associação Ticinese Missão de Ajuda ao Auto Desenvolvimento
O objetivo da ATMA é promover a ajuda ao desenvolvimento e ajuda humanitário a crianças carentes, habitantes nas zonas rural do Estado de Goiás, no Brasil. A Associação utilizará as ajudas financeiras para beneficiar crianças carentes e escolas primárias com poucos recursos econômicos que se empenharão na educação dos valores humanos. Em cooperação com as Associações e as entidades locais específicas – não há intenção de lucro a favor dos projetos de desenvolvimento, encorajando a população local a criar estruturas idôneas e de auto gestão na busca de sistemas de produção agro-horti-frutícola em equilíbrio com o eco sistema e respeitando o ambiente, divulgando métodos de agricultura orgânica não poluente, como se tem visto na agricultura atualmente; no desenvolvimento e na valorização dos produtos agrícolas naturais e sensibilizando-os na proteção e manutenção das florestas, estimulando as jovens gerações indígenas a permanecerem nas suas áreas rurais, evitando o êxodo e conservando a cultura local.
Esta associação é a favor da população local interessada, sem qualquer discriminação, seja de raça, sexo, religião ou partido político.
Considerando que o Brasil, em particular, nas suas áreas geográficas centrais são as menos contaminadas do Planeta, e que compõem as reserva de valor inestimável para a humanidade, a ATMA se propõe a promover apoio para o auto desenvolvimento nas zonas rurais do Estado de Goiás, exatamente um Estado situado no Centro do Brasil.
A Associação propõe se, através de seus próprios meios, a proceder a intervenções objetivas, uma vez que, em particular, a ATMA:
- Coopera com as autoridades, com as associações não governamentais e com entidades locais que não visem a lucro;
- Promove projetos de desenvolvimento sustentáveis;
- Encoraja as povoações locais a criarem estruturas para auto-administrarem-se;
- Opera na execução de tarefas e trabalhos de produção agro-horti-frútiferos, em equilíbrio com o eco-sistema, respeitando o meio-ambiente;
- Divulga métodos de agricultura orgânica não poluidora, portanto, diferindo-se de tantos outros produtos agrícolas, em geral, tratados quimicamente;
- Valoriza seus produtos agrícolas genuínos, isto é, produzido naturalmente;
- Sensibiliza quanto ao respeito e a proteção às florestas;
- Estimula as gerações indígenas a permanecerem em suas aldeias para preservarem as culturas locais, nativas.
E assim, por meio das funções acima apresentadas, a ATMA também se propões a favorecer ajuda ao auto desenvolvimento das camadas mais carentes das populações locais, em particular, os jovens da área rural, para que garantam a permanência, a solidez e a efetivação contínua dessas várias intervenções pro desenvolvimento auto-sustentável.
Founded 28th February 2000. Umbrella association of ATMA do Brasil, created 1st August 2001.
ATMA promotes help towards self-development and humanitarian aid to needy children living in the rural areas of Goiás state, Brazil, and in the “favelas” of the big cities.
The association uses aid funds to benefit needy children and poorly financed elementary schools that are committed to an education with human values.
Furthermore the association acts together with local non profit-making associations in favor of development programs. It encourages the local population to create suitable structures for local self-management. It promotes research into methods of agricultural and horticultural production which are in balance with the ecosystem and which respect the environment. It popularizes organic agricultural methods, instead of the present toxic ones, with the aim of increasing the quality and the value of their produce. It raises the local population's respect and awareness of the forests and stimulates the younger generations to remain in the rural areas and not join the exodus to the cities, and by so doing, help to conserve local cultural patterns.
The association acts on behalf of the local population without any discrimination on racial, sexual, political or religious grounds.
ATMA is convinced that man is the master of his own destiny and that he must be responsible for the transformation of the society in which he lives and the balance of the environment which surrounds him.
It is this conviction which motivates ATMA to accept the challenge to play its own part towards improving the quality of life in the rural communities of central Brazil and stem the exodus towards the cities where the quality of life is rapidly deteriorating.
By ‘quality of life’ ATMA means the integration of mankind with nature.
Our activities take into consideration the social, economic, environmental and cultural context in which people live and must be carried out with the purpose of achieving a sustainable quality of life.
In order to transform the reality, it is necessary to understand it!
With this belief, ATMA gives special attention to projects, studies and research in the areas of sustainable development.
Dear ATMA members,
The challenge continues and, thanks to all who have faithfully supported us, we have been able to help those in most need of help. The social balance is positive and we can consider ourselves satisfied with the results obtained.
At the present moment ATMA activities are proceeding with five projects and one campaign:
“PITALUGA” helps the orphanage of the diocese of Anápolis which has welcomed 92 guests between the ages of 4 and 18, offering them an incentive to a professional education as well as creating a self-financing structure.
“MOINHO” is trying to reclaim the indigenous culture and preserve the identity and self-belief of the people, by passing on to the younger generations a knowledge of natural medicine4
“CHÁCARA” is a logistic platform for voluntary workers involved in various projects and, by creating a park, also aims to protect the natural environment, with its fauna and flora.
“JOANÁPOLIS” will help farmers and small family businesses in rural areas to adopt forms of agriculture which avoid toxic substances.
“MARANATA” collaborates with ECOA “Espaço Comunitario de Aprendizagem” in a program of integral education in the “favelas” of Maranata in Braganza Paulista, San Paolo state.
“MISSIONE ACQUA” is a campaign to protect the water table of the Guaraní from pollution by the biggest chemical pharmaceutical concern in Latin America, situated in a district of Anàpolis.
Your contribution has been of fundamental importance and, as you can see, we are reaching the goals which we set ourselves. What is necessary now is continuity and efficiency in our programs of help and self-development. With your help we will be able to continue our efforts in favor of projects of cooperation for development, environmental preservation and humanitarian aid, and persevere with our intention of improving our presence in places where collaboration for targeted projects is necessary.
Yours faithfully
R. Migliarini
ATMA est convaincue que l’être humain est le sujet de sa propre histoire. C’est à lui d’être conscient et responsable pour la transformation de la société, pour sa façon de vivre et pour l’équilibre avec l’environnement.
Cette conviction amène ATMA à assumer le défi, et à être un moyen de plus dans la promotion de la qualité de vie des communautés rurales de la région centrale du Brésil, afin d’éviter l’exode vers les villes en forte dégradation.
ATMA entend la qualité de vie comme l’intégration de l’être humain avec la nature.
Les actions prennent en considération le contexte socio-économique et culturel du milieu dans lequel les personnes sont insérées. Ces actions peuvent et doivent intervenir dans le but de conquérir la soutenabilité de la vie.
Pour transformer la réalité il faut la connaître!
Dans cette conviction ATMA dédie une attention spéciale à des projets, études et recherches en relation avec un développement durable.
ATMA promue l'aide à l'auto-développement et l'aide humanitaire aux enfants qui ont besoin vivant dans les zones rurales de l'état du Goiás au Brésil.
L'association utilisera les aides financiers au bénéfice d'enfants dans le besoin et d'écoles élémentaires avec peu de ressources financières, lesquelles s'engagent à enseigner les valeurs humaines.
En coopération avec des associations et des organismes locaux spécifiques à but non lucratif, on fait des projets en faveur du développement. On encourage la population locale à créer des structures adaptes à s’autogérer dans la recherche de systèmes de production agro-horti-fructicole en équilibre avec l’écosystème et respectueux de l'environnement, on divulgue des méthodes d’agriculture organique non polluantes. Le but est de valoriser les produits agricoles et de sensibiliser au respect et à la sauvegarde des forêts, en stimulant les jeunes générations indigènes à rester dans la zone rurale, en évitant ainsi l'exode vers les villes et en conservant la culture locale.
L'association est en faveur de la population locale, sans discrimination sur la race, le sexe, la religion et les opinions politique.
Die Vereiningung “ATMA” unterstützt die Förderung zur Selbstent-
wicklung und die menschliche Hilfe für bedürftige Kinder in den
ländlichen Zonen des Goias-Staates in Brasilien.
Die Vereingigung wird die finanziellen Mittel zu Gunsten von bedürftigen Kinder und Volksschulen mit beschränkten Geldmitteln,
die sich für die Erziehung und Menschenrechte bemühen, einsetzen.
Die “ATMA” arbeitet ausschliesslich mit den jeweiligen Ortsverbän-
den, die keine Erwerbszwecke verfolgen,zugunsten von Entwicklungsprojekten zusammen. Angestrebt wird, die Landbevölkerung an selbständiges Arbeiten in der Forschung von Produktionsmethoden im Gebiet des Acker- Garten- und Früchteanbau anzulernen. Dies gemäss Oekosystemen mit Rücksicht auf die Umwelt und ferner organische Ackerbaumethoden, die heute in der Landwirtschaft angewendet werden, mit dem Ziel, ihre eigenen Produkte aufzuwerten. Junge Generationen sollen dadurch zur Rücksicht und Schutz der Wälder aufgeruft werden und der Gedanke der Auswanderung soll abgebaut werden, damit in ihrem eigenen Land die Ortskultur erhalten bleibt.
Die Vereinigung möchte die lokale, betreffende Bevölkerung ansprechen, ohne Unterschied von Rasse, Religion oder politische Ansichten.
Die “ATMA” kann sich an Organisationen, Bünde oder Aemter mit
gleichen Zwecken und Zielen anschliessen.
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